Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #12 (13 Ways To Honor My Husband)

I am participating in the Honor Your Husband 30-Day Challenge-so I thought it would be fitting to incorporate ways to honor him into my Thursday Thirteen and come up with 13 Ways to Honor/Show My Husband, Sean, how much I love him over the next 30 days. Our wedding anniversary is July 20th so all of this romance will lead up to a great 16 Year Anniversary!

  1. Pray for him and our marriage EVERY day. Pray for him throughout the day. He travels 30 minutes each way on the Highway to and from work, pray for his safety while on the road so he can provide for his family. Pray that the Lord blesses him with wisdom, knowledge and good health each and every day.

  2. Create a warm and welcoming home. By greeting him as he walks through the door with hugs and kisses. That everything is tidy and in it's place.

  3. His work clothes are laundered and ready to go each and everyday.

  4. Keep him healthy by buying and cooking food that is good for him & our family.

  5. Maintain a budget and stay with in that budget. We are basically a one income household of six. I stay at home & work from home but our main source of income comes from Sean's job. Staying within the budget is very hard for me! Sean works really hard to provide for us & the least I can do is not add pressure to him by not staying within our means and within our budget.

  6. Continue to read and educate myself on our to be a better wife and mom. There a couple of books on my book shelf (ones that I haven't read or read all the way through-this would help me with my 40-before-40 list!) that I am going to pull out and read over the next 30 days: Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow, Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George, Love & Respect by Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs, Biblical Womanhood In The Home by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman, We Should Do This More Often by Lorille Craker and The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.

  7. Keep his schedule updated. We are a very busy family of 6 with soccer, baseball, dance, etc., etc. Helping he stay up to date on all that is going by helping him with phone calls and emails.

  8. Send him "love" letters and notes via email, leaving a note in the seat of his car, etc.

  9. Make a regular date night with him. Our oldest is old enough to stay at home with the other kids without having to pay for a sitter. Dates nights don't need to cost much money. Things that I'm thinking of are...taking a walk after the kids get settled, having a glass of wine on the deck before bed to going out to dinner & a movie. We are so focused on our kids and their activities that we don't take a lot of time to nourish our relationship.

  10. Provide wind-down time each evening for him. Give him some time to relax after a long day at work-the days he is able to! Most of the time we are rushing out the door to go to evening activities.

  11. Tell him every day how much I love him. Some days are so busy that we don't have a chance to connect on an intimate level until 10 or 11:00 pm at night. Most of the time I'm beat & go to bed without telling him how much I love him. Make sure that the last words he hears from me each evening is "I Love You." Show him how much I want and need him each day. Everyone need to know that they are wanted and needed. I need to make sure that my husband know that I WANT and NEED him each and every day. Not a day should go by that I don't tell or show him that I love him.

  12. Continue to keep the lines of communication open. Keep him up-to-date with what's happening with the children & their activities as well as home maintenance, finances etc.

  13. Continue to plan our future together by taking time to talk about our dreams and wishes for the future.

Love is a verb. We don't or can't say it enough to our love ones. Love must not only be spoken but must also be shown. What ways to you honor or show your husband how much you love them? Leave me a comment!


DigiscrapMom said...

Great tribute to your husband! These are great ways indeed to keep the fire of marriage burning. I did some of them before but I guess, it's really my husband who has the problem. Oh well!

Happy Thursday!

Joan said...

I hope he is working on ways to honor you too! These are wonderful supportive wife goals. My TT is also posted.

Mz Jackson said...

Wonderful list and tribute! Happy Thursday.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Awesome, awesome ideas -- especially date night. The Tour Manager and I usually wind up going out for dinner somewhere and then going down to Half-Price Books. Weird, but it's fun. And cheap -- I try to restrain myself and only buy the 50c or dollar books.

Happy TT!

Laura said...

Wow this is a fantastic list, thanks for the great reminders!!


Lyn said...

Wonderful ideas, and I love your blog. The idea of forty things to do before turning 40 is great! Too late for me, though - maybe I could do 45 before turning 45! :-)

Unknown said...

Wonderful things that we should all be doing for our loved ones. Great list!

Sogo Center said...

This is a really nice list. I've been thinking how dh and I need to find time together. It's so easy to get swept up in life and forget to take time for each other. Thanks for the reminder.

(Btw, love your play list.)

Cindy Swanson said...

What a great really made me think about things I should be doing to be proactive in supporting my husband. Good job.

Really enjoyed visiting your blog.

My TT is up too...all about movies. :)

Qtpies7 said...

Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow, Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George, Love & Respect by Emerson & Sarah Eggerichs Are ALL AWESOME BOOKS! Creative Counterpart had an especially important roll in preparing me for life events that could have caused a major problem in our marraige.
I sneak "respect" notes in my husbands bags when he goes out of town, or for special events like Valentine's day. Ten things I respect about him, and he eats them up!

mistihollrah said...

Thanks to everyone for their words of encourage and ideas!

Christine said...

What a wonderful list! I'm so glad you've joined. Hope your marriage is blessed this week!