Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #9 (I'm Back...Things Sean Did for Me This Week!)

I'm back after two weeks of non-blogging! I'm hoping to post daily like I once was, I really enjoy blogging and posting my tackles and thoughts. A couple of weeks ago I was involved in two car accidents and I have been trying to recover from the whip lash injuries from the accident. Last Wednesday I was hit with a tremendous migraine headache that didn't let up until Saturday. On Sunday morning, I woke up with a terrible cold and flu bug. Today was the first day that I left my house since Sunday evening! I am back in the land of the living and I hope to get my house back in order and my spirits up! My hubby has been very busy picking up the slack since I have been sick so my.....
13 things that Sean Did for Me This Week....
1. Took off early the last three days to pick up the kids from school.
2. Took the girls to Dance and pick them up (M, T & W)
3. Picked up Connor from track after school (every day this week so far)
4. Took Connor to soccer practice/picked up (M & W)
5. Took Connor to get track shoes.
6. Took Collin to basketball practice/ran basketball practice.
7. Took Connor to basketball practice.
8. Went to the store & picked up medicine for me.
9. Cooked dinner on Monday and Tuesday.
10. Put dishes away.
11. Took Connor to get new soccer shoes for this weekend.
12. Helped manage the kids so I could get some rest.
13. Most important...he gave me time to get better.
Thank you, Sean! I love you.


The Rock Chick said...

Awwww.hubby sounds like a sweetie! I have 4 kids and sometimes I don't even realize how much I do until I'm sick and have to let someone else handle everything. Glad you're feeling better :)

Happy TT-Jessica

Lady G~ said...

Great list! Sounds like someone really loves you. :o)

Household Executive said...

Great to see you back up and blogging! Glad you are feeling better!