Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #10 (Reasons My Laundry Isn't Done!)

13 Reasons My Laundry Isn't Done!
I actually have maybe 3 or 4 more loads to wash, the washed laundry is piled up on my love seat in front of my laundry room! The pile of laundry comes to my chin! Why is it not folded? Well, first my husband started the laundry and most of the time he pulls it out and lays in on the sofa. Second, I just really haven't felt like doing it! No, really, here is what I have been doing this week:
  1. Still working on soccer schedules...making changes due to coaching conflicts or other conflicts that have come up with teams.
  2. Referee clinic-sending out confirmation emails, inputting the registration form in the database.
  3. Sending out emails to Referee regarding re-certification in-service requirement & paperwork that needs to be mailed in.
  4. Referee Availability for the upcoming Spring season. Printing them off as the come across my email & fax machine. Checking to see if they are re-certified and placing them in my notebook.
  5. Sent out email notice about CMSL's Spring AGM-working on agenda and creditentials for votes.
  6. Discussing State Cup Eligibility with teams and MYSA Board.
  7. Recital-the Wall of Names and the Costume List/Line up.
  8. Hotels for final 2 dance competitions.
  9. Entering MYSA Membership information into e-reg, printing player cards and rosters.
  10. Reserved fields for CMSL games.
  11. Started working on Referee Schedules.
  12. Worked on a possible for schedule for the U10 Girls Rec Schedule to even out the number of 8:00 am games between games and double headers.
  13. Signing guest player forms and travel permits for teams playing in tournaments this upcoming weekend. wonder I haven't gotten my laundry least they are clean!