Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #7 (Reasons I Haven't Blogged!)

Look, I see the last blog entry was 6 days ago and it was a Thursday Thirteen! Today, my 13, will be 13 Reasons Why I Have Not Blogged in 6 days....

  1. Friday....packed, cleaned out car and got things ready at home. My girls first Dance Competition was Saturday and Sunday. My boys had a busy weekend of soccer and time for Mom that day!
  2. Saturday....Dance Competition! The girls were awesome...they looked awesome! They did great for their first competition!
  3. Sunday...still in STL with dance!
  4. Monday....caught up on emails from the weekend.
  5. Tuesday...picked up the house from the weekend.
  6. Tuesday....balanced checkbook.
  7. Tuesday.....worked on budget for the next couple of months.
  8. Wednesday...laundry...folded 5 loads of clothes that piled up on the love seat by laundry room.
  9. Wednesday....worked on soccer brackets.
  10. Wednesday...worked on Father-in-laws blog.
  11. Wednesday...worked on Mother-in-laws blog.
  12. Wednesday...cleaned house (still need to do more cleaning!)
  13. Wednesday...worked on hotel reservations for next dance competition.

Now that I'm in the swing again...I will be posted on a regular bases!


Unknown said...

You were also busy with all those sit-ups!

There are two new exercisers for comments! Please welcome Bluepaintred and B - my life my thoughts!