Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #18 (Thoughts about Today)

Where has the week gone? I can't believe it's already Thursday! Today's TT is random thoughts about today:
1. It was a short week BUT too many things on the calendar & to-do list! I still can't believe it's Thursday already.
2. Kick off today at Woodcrest for Take 2. I am excited about seeing friends and reconnecting with God today. I have NO clue what classes are being offered this semester so I am going in with an open mind and heart to where God will lead me today.
3. Lunch with friends! Yeah! Wonder where will we eat today?
4. Run some quick errands after lunch.
5. Make some phone calls regarding indoor soccer.
6. Get Connor's soccer gear, pick him up after school. Take him to meet the bus for his game this evening in Smithton.
7. Print MYSA cards.
8. Get video camera ready for Sean so he can video tape the game this evening. I am working and will not be able to go.
9. Pack girls dance bags, snacks for dance this evening.
10. Get fundraiser box & car wash $.
11. Pick up Rebekah.
12. Pick up girls from school.
13. Work at dance this evening. Take Collin (plus soccer gear)- a teammate is taking him to soccer this evening.
That's what I need to get done today. I still have a few more things that I need to do when we get home from dance this evening....type Connor's English assignment (he won't be home until late from his soccer game) and enter a couple of team's registrations for their MYSA cards/roster.
Whew...I'm tired already!


Unknown said...

Hope you are able to get everything done..What a fun family you have

MissMeliss said...

It may have been a short week, but it seems like I've had to do more in it than in most "regular" weeks.

Great list.


jennyr said...

bz bz day for you there...i have a lot of things to do too but i chose to play in the pc 1st,lol! happy tt!my tt is at u there!

EE said...

Whew! Your schedule sounds like mine!
Good luck!