Friday, June 29, 2007

My 40-Before-40 List Updated!!!

Updated on June 29th.. see items in BOLD!!

#21-I finished my will today! I purchased the Quicken WillMaker Plus 2007:Estate Planning Software. I highly recommend his software program, it has documents for a Legal Will, Living Trust (Basic & AB), Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Final Arrangements to Authorization for Minor's Medical Treatment, Housesitting Instructions, Pet Care Agreement and much more!

#5-Last night, I opened up Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook last night to determine how many recipes there were, if I had baking supplies, etc. The book is broken down into the following topics (basically simple to sophisticated):

Biscuits & Simple Baked Goods-26 recipes

Cookies-42 recipes

Cakes-30 recipes

Pies, Tarts, Cobblers & Crisps-29 recipes

Yeasted Baked Goods-33 recipes

Pastries-13 recipes

And 28 Basic recipes-icings etc.

I think it's doable-I'm not a baker but I am really inspired by the recipes & ideas that are presented in this book!

#28-Household Inventory Notebook-I purchased a notebook today and dividers. I'm going to start working on this by room as I continue to organize each room. I have a notebook that has all of my warranties for the televisions, VCR, DVD players, etc so this shouldn't take me too long to complete the process.

Also....I have 4 more items to complete the list...any suggestions on something I should do, try before I turn 40 years old? Leave me a comments with some suggestions!

List revisited....

1. Clean/Organize Garage Starting this weekend (June 30/July 1)
2. Clean/Organize Attic
3. Lose 50 pounds---75 would be better but 50 would be great! (I have lost 8 pounds so far!) Will lose 25 pounds by September 1st.
4. Read the Chronicles of Narnia with my kids. (reading on my own first-finished the first book last night)
5. Bake through Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook. Need to purchase a KitchenAid first for all that mixing...I've been hinting... Starting on Monday
6. Knit a blanket for each of my kids.
7. Renew my wedding vows.
8. Read the Bible completely. (started reading each day)
9. Purchase "1001 Books to Read Before I Die" and read one book a month.
10. Catch up on my scrapbooks.
11. Give up Diet Dr Pepper (this will be a really hard one, I have been drinking Dr Pepper since I can remember!Maybe just for a the day I turn 40!) Better yet, add more water to diet!
12. Make a quilt.
13. Take Networking at my God given talents. (Registered for Networking-class starts Jan 21-23)
14. Burn all my home VHS onto DVDs.
15. Rip CDs I don't listen to often and sell them.
16. Go to a spa for a massage.
17. Get a pedicure. Update-have one scheduled for July 17th!
18. Take a cooking class.
19. Read everything I haven't read yet on my bookshelf.
20. Watch all five Best Picture nominees prior to the Oscars.
21. Get a will (mostly for if something happens to both S & I-details for Mom & Dad re: the kids)

22. Learn cake decorating. Looked into classes but need to wait until Fall.
23. Plant a herb garden to be used all year long.
24. Try yoga.
25. Try pilates.
26. Incorporate a regular date night with hubby. (I thinking every other Friday or Saturday evening.)
27. Visit NY and go to a Broadway musical or play. (would like to see Wicked)
28. Make a household inventory notebook including pictures, serial numbers, etc for insurance purposes. Purchased notebook 6/29/07. Started working on inventory with kitchen.
29. Get finances in order and everything paid off.
30. Take family to Disney World.
31. Send out Christmas Cards (I haven't sent out cards since I was pregnant with my 3rd child!)
32. Clean out car-keep it clean!
33. Take a second honeymoon with hubby.
34. Take family on a ski trip to Steamboat.
35. Go ice skating with my family.
36. Drink Milk. Plain, Chocolate or Strawberry flavored. (at least one for that day-this one is for my son-I do not like milk & don't drink milk & he thought that it would be a good one to add to my least!)
37. See "Gone with the Wind."
38. Take Tennis Lessons.

UPDATE: Only 2 more items to think about and add to my list! Any suggestions?????